Homeschooling in the Afternoons

A number of people have been asking me how homeschooling in the afternoon has been going, so I thought I’d write a post detailing how our days go. I can say that it has been going very, very well.

My husband works afternoons, so if we did our homeschooling in the morning our kids wouldn’t see daddy at all during the week. That just won’t do, so we moved our schedule around his. We wake and have the whole morning to play, visit, run errands, and I have time to put together a filling lunch that he can also take to work with him as a meal later in his day. As soon as my husband leaves for work, we head to the school room to start our school day. The kids have full tummies and have already had a chance to work off some energy so they are ready to focus. Our school days start a little before the local schools dismiss for the day. This works particularly well for the winters, where the evenings get dark so early. When some kids are getting out of school and don’t have any time to enjoy the great outdoors after homework because it’s dark, our kids have been able to play all morning. We are on a somewhat intense schedule right now though so we can enjoy the great outdoors more this year. I intend to go to a light school schedule as soon as the weather breaks. We’ve barely taken any time off for the winter, but we are all looking forward to being able to spend time outdoors in the nice warm weather before it gets hot and uncomfortable out there.

I used to feel that if we didn’t hit the books immediately following breakfast, getting school work done at all that day was a lost cause. Perhaps if my husband was home in the afternoons that might be the case, but, he’s not so we can all focus our attention on our studies. This is one of the joys of homeschooling – a schedule that fits our life. If my husbands work schedule changes, our school day will likely change again to accomodate his. We homeschool for many reasons – but one of them is the flexibility that allows us a lot of family time.

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